Jean Shepard
Monday, March 21, 1960 (Session #9421 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)
Bradley Film & Recording Studio, 804 16th Ave. South, Nashville 3, TN
Jean Shepard: vocal; Grady Martin: guitar; Ray Edenton: guitar; Walter Haynes: steel guitar;
Junior Huskey: bass; Buddy Harman: drums; Floyd Cramer: piano.
Producer: Ken Nelson
Just a quick and lonely little post today of one of my favorite Jean Shepard records. It's a song written by my favorite country composer, Harlan Howard. The b-side, "For The Children's Sake" (also recorded earlier by Bonnie Owens) was also a Harlan Howard tune. I've always liked Jean's country shuffles like this, and the pedal steel on this track by Walter Haynes is sublime. This record never charted, but I think it should have been a hit. It's a pretty obscure record, but I somehow ended up with two copies of the 45 over the years. Hope you enjoy it too...
Thanks for sharing this. Shepard seems to be one of my blind spots; I'll have to rectify that.
@RWC - Glad you like Jean Shepard. She does tend to get a bit overlooked these days. She had a fair amount of hits early on in the mid-to-late '50s, and then a real dry spell in the early '60s around the time of this track. But this period ends up being my favorite of hers. The great hard-edge honky tonk sound and country shuffles are what I think she does best, but it's not really what she's known for. Anyway, if you keep coming around here, I'll help rectify your lack of Jean Shepard situation... Thanks RWC!
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