Charlie Monroe
Today's post is a reflection of how I was feeling last night after all the technical difficulties of yesterday. But I'm back, so I guess I do know when.
But let's not be dismissive about this wonderful song! I was listening to this last night and really loving it (and blowing off a post for today after yesterday's frustrations) when it occurred to me how fitting it was for today's post. Not bad as a Memorial Day post either.
So, here you go. We'll be back tomorrow with a more substantive post.
And as always, keep those cards and letters coming, folks!
(read: "please comment!")
Charlie Monroe & The Kentucky Pardners
This is a wonderful song. I first heard it in the 60's when the Greenbriar Boys recorded it, and then there is the Jimmy Martin version.
I 'spose it's fair to guess that if Ira Louvin is playing mandolin in the band, he just might be the tenor singer too.
I especially appreciate your efforts to teach and help us discover more about country music. Multiple tracks of a song and comparisons over time are is rich opportunity to learn about, as well enjoy the music.
Thanks Joaquin.
I was wondering about the tenor as well. I gues the logical answer would be Ira. Great post great blog keep it up and I'll be a regular visitor.
@Don & Johnny - I think it's a good guess that it's Ira on tenor. I missed that on the session info. Good catch, and I'm glad to know that people are reading and getting something from the session data.
So glad you guys are visiting and getting/enjoying the posts. With encouragement like that, you can bet I'll keep the posts coming!
Here is a recording that my father played fiddle on with Charle Monroe. The picture lists his name James Martin but he went by "Slim" later on. My mother Wilma also played bass fiddle with the band later on and they did comedy as well. She told me before she passed away that dad wrote this song and sold it to Charlie for $25! This seemed to be the norm back then writng for hire. She said she was so mad at him for selling it. It as become a Bluegrass standard recorded by many top artists over the years. I have heard it performed by Ralph Stanley, Vince Gill, and Ricky Skaggs.
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